We’ve already talked here about the importance of a healthy database and its value to your business (read article here).
But it’s not just maintenance that needs special attention. A high quality REGISTRY is also crucially important, so think carefully. Don’t know what to do? We can help.
Ship4you’s database registry is one of its greatest assets because unlike the vast majority of companies who update automatically we do it manually, ensuring its quality and effectiveness. And thus we are able to improve:
– the quality of the data inserted;
– registry speed;
– data validation;
– the low rate of returns.
But we are not just talking about a personal data registry. We are talking about any type of information you want to record, such as:
– vouchers with personal data.
– orders made by a variety of means: mail, telephone or electronic;
– or anything else a customer wants to register.
Still not sure how to restore your database to good health? Contact us. We’ll be very happy to explain how we can help.