It is an event that addresses the new forms of retail trade, which are more technological, more digital, more omnichannel and more directed at current and future buyers.
For two days, some of the main players in the retail industry gathered for a series of conferences and networking intended to help companies keep abreast of the latest trends in various platforms, both physical and digital, which can help them communicate and serve their customers better.
But not only that. From the perspective of the companies presenting solutions that allow implementing an omnichannel strategy, the event also fostered meetings with business partners and disseminated new solutions for establishing new partnerships.
Once again, the conviction that omnicanality is the future of commerce has been reinforced. The integration of various distribution channels by companies, including digital and/or physical, is increasingly bringing added value to the end consumer, thus enhancing the value chains of companies. As Margarida Bago, Exhibitions Manager of the event told website, “In these new consumer value chains, omnicanality is perhaps this century’s more natural and normal approach and one of the most important ways for modern trade to generate added value for consumers”.

And this is where Ship4you and Goalmarketing come in. With our solutions, we can help companies that want to merge the physical and digital world and begin implementing an Omnichannel strategy.
There is no doubt that omnicanality is here to stay, as it is increasingly proving to be the most effective strategy to provide a globally satisfactory shopping experience to consumers. Therefore, it is becoming more and more necessary to organise this type of events to share knowledge and experiences.
But for now, see a little of what happened there!